Content starts here Database-specific Catalog and Schema Considerations
This page last changed on Aug 31, 2007.

Database-specific Catalog and Schema Considerations

Database vendors variously support database catalogs and schemas.

Vendor Support for Catalog and Schema Objects
Vendor Catalog Schema
Oracle Does not support catalogs. When specifying database objects, the catalog field should be left blank. Typically the name of an Oracle user ID.
DB2 If specifying database objects, the catalog field should be left blank. Schema name corresponds to the catalog owner of the database, such as db2admin.
Sybase Catalog name is the database name. Schema name corresponds to the database owner.
Microsoft SQL Server Catalog name is the database name. Schema name corresponds to the catalog owner, such as dbo. The schema name must match the catalog or database owner for the database to which you are connected.
Informix Does not support catalogs. If specifying database objects, the catalog field should be left blank. Not needed.
PointBase PointBase database systems do not support catalogs. If specifying database objects, the catalog field should be left blank. Schema name corresponds to a database name.
Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:54